My Personal Page

My Personal Page

Marco antônio de bastiani

Postdoc – Biochemistry


Scientific Interests

I have a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). During my undergrad, I started an internship in a research group studying cancer biomarkers and treatments. I learned many cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology assays, but at the same time started to develop an interest in data science and bioinformatics. This interest grew as I started to apply and participate in several collaborations employing these skills to assist different areas of biomedical research. In my PhD, I used many aspects of what I had learned previously and some new acquired skills to search for master regulators of lung cancer development using a Systems Biology approach. At the same time, since the potential of data science and bioinformatics are not field-specific, I was able to expand my collaborations network and got involved in many researches. Currently, I am a post- doc at Zimmer Lab working in a project to incorporate a systems-oriented approach trying to identify blood biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease.

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Non-Science Biography 

I was born in a medium-sized town called Passo Fundo (RS), but lived a few years in Florianópolis (SC) before coming to Porto Alegre for college. I like good music, interesting movies, books, games and travel around (when time and money allow). I also enjoy studying subjects unrelated to biology, such as economics and philosophy, and hearing well articulated, in-depth and nuanced ideas about difficult or uncomfortable topics. I dislike crowded and loud places, preferring high quality conversations with few people at a time. Some axioms of my personal philosophy are “existence exists”, “life is unfair” and “the secret to happiness involves adjusting expectations”.