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My Personal Page

My Personal Page

Guilherme Povala

Ph.D. Candidate – Biochemistry


Scientific Interests

I have a degree in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from UFPEL. During graduation, I worked mainly on the development of proposals for lossless image compression algorithms and the application of energy reduction techniques in digital video encoders. The main research topic during the master’s degree was the use of machine learning tools and techniques for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. I am currently a PhD student in Biochemistry by UFRGS and in Computation by UFPEL. I have experience of research in the area of Computing, with emphasis on coding and processing of digital images and videos and applied artificial intelligence in the health area. Currently at Zimmer Lab I have been working with medical imaging and application of artificial intelligence techniques for the diagnosis in the asymptomatic phase of Alzheimer’s disease.

volleyball ball icon

Non-Science Biography 

I was born in a city in the extreme west of Santa Catarina, called Descanso. However, after a few years we went to live in São Miguel do Oeste, a city where my family still lives. I attended my secondary school in SENAI, along with the technical course in Computer Science. For more than 10 years, I played in the municipal band of São Miguel do Oeste. My favorite instruments are soprano saxophone, stick trombone and classical guitar. I love listening to music, I’m very eclectic in that sense. One of my hobbies is playing MMORPG games. Another is the development of online systems, both front and back end. I like to travel, especially in snowy places or out of town. Besides being interested in important discussions about politics, life, the universe and everything.