My Personal Page

My Personal Page

Gabriela Lazzarotto

Ph.D. Student – Biochemistry


Scientific Interests

I have a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (2014-2018) with an emphasis on Physiology and Aesthetic Biomedicine. During my undergrad, I started an internship in a research group that studies epilepsy. There, I’ve learned about high-resolution respirometry, oxidative stress techniques and animal model behavioral tests. After that, I started pursuing my Master’s in Neurosciences focusing on electrophysiology and epilepsy. During this time, I met Professor Eduardo Zimmer and the lab research and now I am currently a PhD student in Biochemistry at Zimmer Lab.

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Non-Science Biography 

I come from a small city in the south of Brazil (Caxias do Sul), but I have been living in Porto Alegre since I started studying at UFRGS, in 2014. I really love animals, nature, and riding the bike in the parks. In the winter, I like going to cafes and trying new coffees and foods. Also, I really enjoy traveling and I really want to visit as many countries as possible.