Scientific Interests
I started my scientific life in the first year of my undergraduate studies in Odontology at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), as an undergraduate researcher in the Dental Materials field. However, throughout my studies, I had a turning point in my academic trajectory. Hence, during a class of Professor Eduardo Zimmer (pharmacology class) I changed my path, and so was the first time in graduation that I knew what I love to do, and it’s science and research focused in physiology and biochemistry, specifically related to neurodegeneration. Because of that, I switched my major to Biomedical Sciences at UFRGS, influenced by Professor Zimmer, and since 2022 I became a part of Zimmer Lab as an undergraduate researcher, collaborating on a project about the brain energy metabolism.
Non-Science Biography
I’m a person who loves to talk and tell jokes. Added to this, I love sneakers and that is a part of my personality. I also like to play the piano and guitar, especially for my friends and family. Last year I played at my first concert and was scared, but in the end, I liked to check my music skills. I love dry gin (specifically gin tonic), although I like other drinks too. I’m passionate about cooking and making people happy with good meals, it is therapeutic for me and it makes me happy.