Scientific Interests
I have a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA/Brazil) (2014 – 2017) where I was a scientific initiation student in Biochemistry, studying the action of green juice in lipid metabolism of rats and humans. In 2018, I met Professor Eduardo Zimmer and I became a master’s student in Biochemistry at the Zimmer Lab where I worked together with Bruna Bellaver on the project “chronic encephalic alterations caused by severe systemic inflammatory episodes”. Currently I’m a PhD candidate in Pharmacology at the Zimmer Lab and continue to study the long-term changes in the brain caused by sepsis in an animal model.
Non-Science Biography
I am a person who loves being at home with my husband watching sitcom series and movies, and I love making food and taking care of my plants. But I also love being with my friends and family having a lot of laughs and having fun. I love traveling and I dream of traveling to many countries in the world.